A Proud man builds a comfortable toilet with ventilation and water (Tin Plate 3)
Synopsis: A tin plate with the following content: Message: I am proud to say that I have a built a comfortable toilet with ventilation, light and water. Taking good care of the family is every Man's Responsibility. Henceforth, Open Defecation is Banned. Be Responsible! Human faeces are filled with disease-causing bacteria. Build a good toilet and keep it clean at all times. Be a role model for your family and for your village Rationale: This poster is targeted to men in general. Most men do not use the toilet because it is stuffy, stinky and small. Families often build a toilet in a rush without considering essential key details and this results in them not liking it and they stop using the toilet. This message endeavours to motivate men to pay attention to the details while building a toilet Display Options: Bus Stands, Railway Stations, Cinema Theatres, Panchayat Offices, Market Places and any other public places. Since Tin Plates are highly durable, good to fix them at rai
Tin Plate Template
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Tin Plate Template