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Report of the Healthy Parents Healthy Child Initiative for promoting health of women in preconception period Nashik Maharashtra India Dec 2021

Mar 24, 2022

The project report highlights the importance of preconception care (PCC) for health and longevity.  The Government of Maharashtra, UNICEF, and Bharathy Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune, rolled out the first-ever pre-conception Health Promotion program, named as ‘Healthy Parent, Healthy Child Initiative’, for women planning pregnancies in Peth and Sinnar blocks of Nashik district in 2018. The evidence-based planning and partnership have demonstrated evidence that there was a statistically significant improvement in the weight and BMI of women planning their pregnancies which also probably contributed to reducing anemia.The government of Maharashtra has scaled up the program in four aspirational districts and tribal districts. For more information click here  

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Behavioural perspectives on water management and use in India: An evidence review(Summary)

Feb 23, 2022

This literature review aims to draw out recent evidence on community engagement and behavior change communication interventions that have taken place around drinking and domestic water management in India.  The aim of this evidence review is to understand the role that behavioral factors can play in driving effective drinking water management practices. The overall objective is to use these findings to provide insights and support the development of behavior change strategies for meeting the goals of the Jal Jeevan Mission. This review utilizes five key pathways through which domestic and drinking water management can be addressed. These are Access to water, Safe water, Demand generation and management, Conservation and judicious use of water, and Citizen contribution and tariffs. These pathways are identified based on 36 publications that are covered by this review (literature dated 2015 onwards), sourced from multiple databases. To read more click here

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Behavioural perspectives on water management and use in India: An evidence review

Feb 23, 2022

This literature review aims to draw out recent evidence on community engagement and behavior change communication interventions that have taken place around drinking and domestic water management in India.  The aim of this evidence review is to understand the role that behavioral factors can play in driving effective drinking water management practices. The overall objective is to use these findings to provide insights and support the development of behavior change strategies for meeting the goals of the Jal Jeevan Mission. This review utilizes five key pathways through which domestic and drinking water management can be addressed. These are Access to water, Safe water, Demand generation and management, Conservation and judicious use of water, and Citizen contribution and tariffs. These pathways are identified based on 36 publications that are covered by this review (literature dated 2015 onwards), sourced from multiple databases. To read more click here

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Evaluation Report: BRIDGE-IPC Training Programme (IPC skills training in Routine Immunization for frontline workers)

Dec 13, 2021

Evaluation Report of BRIDGE-IPC Training Programme on building interpersonal communication skills in Routine Immunization among Frontline Workers. This evaluation was done by IPE Global in 5 states – Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Odisha, and Assam; October 2021. To read more click Here

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