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An illustrative guide on COVID-19 appropriate behaviours Assamese
A brief (summary/synopsis) of what the material (poster, radio spot, TV PSA, film) entails> As identified in January 2020, the new strain of coronavirus has been renamed by WHO as SARS-CoV-2 and the disease caused by it as COVID-19. On 28 February 2020, WHO increased its risk assessment to very high at global and regional levels. Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) will be the main stay for containment of COVID-19. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India developed 'An Illustrative guide on COVID appropriate behaviours' that outlines a comprehensive list of 15 preventive behavioural practices that are critical to fight the deadly virus.This Guideline in Assamese can create awareness on the important behaviours to be followed during COVID with the help of illustrations.
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