Audio file

Child Protection Committee - IPC Mobile Episodes 'Ammaji'

Child Protection Committee - IPC Mobile Episodes 'Ammaji'

Synopses: Children are exposed to multiple vulnerabilities and risks in rural communities. These include child labour, child marriage and human trafficking. The video shows that it is a collective responsibility of parents, community members and panchayat to protect children from these risks. To accomplish this, every village must constitute a child protection committee with representation of parents and children. In this mobile episode role of Child Protection Committees has been explained through following questions and answers. Question: What are the responsibilities of child protection committee? Voice Over Answer: o The committee should ensure care and protection of children at the family and society level o Monitor children in school and society o Initiate active discussion and work on children's issues Suggested Audience: Parents, care givers, children, panchayat and community members.

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Child rights child protection committee panchayat abuse child marriage child labour trafficking school parents children society

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