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COVID-19 Power of Five Pocketbook for TRIFED English

COVID-19 Power of Five Pocketbook for TRIFED English

As on 7th January 2020, a new strain of Coronavirus was identified. The virus has been renamed by WHO as SARS-CoV-2 and the disease caused by it as COVID-19. Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) is the main stay for containment of COVID-19. With a view to engage Tribal communities on COVID-19 RCCE UNICEF and TRIFED initiated the 'Van Dhan Samajik Doori Jagrookta Abhiyaan'. Towards this, UNICEF developed a training and communication package intended for training TRIFED staff, VDVK leaders, NTFP gatherers and processors, SHGs to reach out tribal communities. The package consists of this pocket book. This pocketbook has various topics related to COVID-19 and each topic has '5 to do actions' for NTFP Gatherers and Processors to perform as response and containment measures towards coronavirus in India. This pocketbook serves as a ready reference for TRIFED staff post training and the pdf can be loaded on WhatsApp and be a handy guide.

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COVID-19; Coronavirus; SARS-COV-2; Training Toolkit TRIFED; VDVK; Tribal communities; Van Dhan Samajik Doori Jagrookta Abhiyaan; PowerPoint Presentation; transmission; preventive measures; stigma; mask use; risk communication; public health; novel coronavirus; threat perception; vaccine demand; emergency communication disaster risk reduction; containment; Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus; SARS coronavirus; Outbreak; China; Wuhan; Emerging viruses; Ministry of Heath and Family Welfare

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