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COVID-19 Training PPT for CSOs and CBOs English
As on 7th January 2020, a new strain of Coronavirus was identified. The virus has been renamed by WHO as SARS-CoV-2 and the disease caused by it as COVID-19. Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) is the main stay for containment of COVID-19. UNICEF has been engaged in Community engagement through CBO- CSO UNICEF partners to mobilise communities to improve demand for health services. In order to engage these partner networks to promoting key messages of COVID 19 through their ongoing programmes UNICEF developed a training package. This PPT is a part of the package. It focuses on Response and Containment measures for Community Based Organizations. This PPT is divided into seven session covering the following topics o Role of the CBOs in COVID risk communication; o Prevention, Safe practices o Safe practices for home and community o COVID sensitive practices which includes, Immunisation, Nutrition, Parenting and Psychosocial care, o Stigma and discrimination o Co
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