COVID-19 Vaccine Eid Mubarak poster English
This Eid Mubarak poster on COVID-19 has been developed for general public in all 36 states and union territories in India. It focuses on communicating that o Perform wuzu at home. o Use personal prayer rugs. o Follow 2 meters distance in mosque while performing Namaz. Also wear your mask properly It also focused on o It is recommended to get vaccinated after breaking the fast in the evening. Vaccination is available 24x7 at the COVID Vaccination Centres o After being vaccinated for COVID-19 you should continue to wear a mask, wash your hands with soap and keep physical distance from others. o Hold smaller Iftars parties- we need to fight COVID19 so we can start having bigger gatherings again and keep everyone safe. o If you are in a high-risk group, or if you're feeling unwell, avoid Iftar parties, large gatherings and events including visiting mosques for Namaz. This Eid Mubarak poster on COVID has been developed by UNICEF India and shared with all states and MoHFW
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