Preventive Behaviours: Poster (Urdu)

Preventive Behaviours: Poster (Urdu)

H1N1 Flu, also popularly known as Swine Flu, is causing a global epidemic among humans, including India. H1N1 Flu is highly contagious i.e spreads from one person to another. One can get the infection if exposed to the droplets of an infected person's cough or sneeze, or if one comes in contact with surfaces or objects contaminated by droplets. H1N1 flu is preventable by practicing simple behaviors. These behaviors are easily adaptable and will not bring much change in anyone's lifestyle. Therefore, it is critical to educate families on simple practices that would help in keeping themselves and their families healthy/protected from infection. These behaviours are: covering mouth while coughing and sneezing with hankie and cloth; washing hands with soap frequently before and after touching mouth, nose and eyes; staying away from public places and seeking treatment from H1N1 Flu screening center if one has Fever, Cough and Sore throat; and Immediately visiting a designated hospital

Programme Category
Disaster Risk Reduction
Programme Subcategory
Avian Flu & Human Influenza
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Human Influenza Swine Flu Influenza/A H1N1 Pandemic Influenza

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