Shaming the men who are doing Open Defecation (Tin Plate 1)
Synopsis: Message: A PSA intended to subtly shame and discourage men from practising open defecation despite having a toilet at home. It criticizes them for not being a role model for their family. It informs that practising open defecation not only harms an individual but is unhealthy for the entire community since human faeces are packed with disease-causing bacteria so when one defecates in the open, these bacteria travel home, contaminates food and water and cause infection. The PSA appeals to the public to stop open defecation. If you are a true hero, use a toilet and be a model to the village. Rationale: The poster aimed at shaming the person doing the open defecation and telling him that he is harming the entire village because of this unhygienic practice. It also targets men in general because this behaviour is more prominent among men. Display Options: Bus Stands, Railway Stations, Cinema Theatres, Panchayat Offices, Market Places and any other public places. Since Tin
Tin Plate Template
0.64 MB