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Social and Behaviour Change Interventions for Promotion of Adolescent Health and Nutrition

Social and Behaviour Change Interventions for Promotion of Adolescent Health and Nutrition

Synopses: A flip book on the promotion of adolescent health and nutrition. It contains an introduction of MAARPU, key issues of a mother and child's health. The flip book predominantly explains and provides information concerning pregnancy and health, nutritional information, danger signs to look out for during pregnancy, birth preparedness, institutional deliveries, new-born care, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, referrals, MMR and IMR Reviews. Other vital information has been included such as anaemia during adolescence, anaemia prevention, the value of nutritious food, IFA tablets, proper hygiene and sanitation practices during menstruation among adolescent girls and the right age for marriage are explained in detail.

Flip Book
Programme Category
Programme Subcategory
Social and Behaviour Change
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6.99 MB
Artwork Accessibility
Delayed bath Thermal Care Colostrum Feeding Exclusive Breastfeeding Asphyxia Newborn Care Mother And Child’s Health Pregnancy Nutrition Pregnancy Danger Signs Birth Preparedness Institutional Deliveries Breast Feeding Complementary Feeding Anaemia IFA Menstruation Right Age For Marriage Adolescent Girls New-Born Care MAARPU Kannada

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