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Understanding Stigma and Discrimination in the Context of Covid-19 and PLHIV: A Digital Interactive Tool

Understanding Stigma and Discrimination in the Context of Covid-19 and PLHIV: A Digital Interactive Tool

This is a digital Interactive Toolkit developed by UNICEF in collaboration with USAID, NHM, NACO and New Concept. It talks about stigma and discrimination in the context of Covid-19 and HIV. It includes 5 sections namely People or groups at risk of being stigmatised: What do we mean by stigma and discrimination; How does stigma manifest for different people in society; What does stigma lead to; How can common people fight stigma and discrimination-A quiz to help set things right; and stigma and discrimination among PLHIV. These sections talks about various aspects of stigma and discrimination through infographics, picture of preamble of the Indian constitution describing protection of rights under the Indian constitution.

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Stigma discrimination public health emergencies equality ostracism PLHIV psychosocial support

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