Audio file

Diarrhea - Causes & Prevention - IPC Mobile Episodes 'Ammaji'

Diarrhea - Causes & Prevention - IPC Mobile Episodes 'Ammaji'

Synopses: The mobile episode discusses the symptoms, effects and management of diarrhea through the following questions: Question: What are the consequences of diarrhea if it is not treated on time? Voice Over Answer: o If the child is not given ORS and Zinc tablet on time it may cause dehydration which can be life-threatening o During diarrhea reducing food and water intake of child can lead to malnutrition o If the treatment at home is not started on time by giving the child ORS and Zinc tablet, eventually, he/she will have to be hospitalised Question: What should we do if the child has diarrhea? Voice Over Answer: o Give ORS solution to the child till the time he/she has diarrhea and also give Zinc tablet to the child for 14 days. o Keep breastfeeding the child below the age of 6 months and increase the frequency of breastfeeding o Keep giving food to a child above the age of 6 months along with breastfeeding Suggested Audience: Parents, care givers, ASHA, Ang

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Diarrhea ORS Zinc breastfeeding food child prevention

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