Audio file

Polio - Immunization - IPC Mobile Episodes 'Ammaji'

Polio - Immunization - IPC Mobile Episodes 'Ammaji'

Synopses: The mobile episode depicts importance of immunization for child upto the age of 5 years. The mobisode also explains the significance of 'Polio Ravivar' and why all parents should remember this day. Question: Where does one get Polio drops? Voice Over Answer: o It is available free of cost in government hospitals and health centres o Apart from usual days it is given on 'Polio Ravivar' day o Polio vaccination is a part of the immunization cycle executed by ANM and AWW Question: What are the important things to know about Polio drops? Voice Over Answer: o A child from the time of birth upto 5 years should be taken for polio vaccination whenever there is a polio vaccination programme in the village. o Even if the child is unwell Polio drop should be given o There are no side effects of Polio drops Suggested Audience: Mothers, fathers, mother-in-laws, care givers, ANM, AHSA, AWW and community members.

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Newborn Immunization polio ravivar free of cost polio polio drop infection child prevention

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