Audio file

Training film for social mobilizers on their role and responsibilities for COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction

Training film for social mobilizers on their role and responsibilities for COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction

Note: this training film is meant for social mobilizers highlighting their role and responsibilities for doing effective community engagement for vaccine uptake. The film focused on the following components: 1- Why there is a need to have Social Mobilizer. 2- As a Social Mobilizer you should have all correct information so that you can clear the doubt, myths, and apprehensions of the community members related to COVID Vaccine 3- How to do more engaging house to house visit in the community 4- How to engage local influencers after doing their orientation about the COVID vaccine and telling them their role and responsibilities. 5- It also talks about the need and importance phased approach while vaccinating the people 6- What to do as a social mobilizer if there is any AEFI in your area. 7- How to work closely with NCC, NSS and NYKS volunteers for social mobilization and community engagement

Programme Category
Disaster Risk Reduction
Programme Subcategory
COVID-19 Vaccine Communication
Uploaded Date
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Ref. No.
File size
23.35 MB
Artwork Accessibility
COVID-19 Coronavirus SARS-COV-2 risk communication COVID Vaccine novel coronavirus training capacity building Hindi social mobilizers COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategy COVID-19 Vaccine Communication

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