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Barrier analysis to understand the intended acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines

Sep 28, 2021

Barrier analysis to understand the intended acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines among adults in selected areas of 19 districts across seven states of India, January 2021. This study conducted by Alliance for Immunization and Health (AIH) investigated vaccine demand and hesitancy by assessing the intention to vaccinate against COVID-19. This formative study was done to inform the RCCE for vaccination. To read more click here

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Formative Research on Perceptions Regarding Vaccine for COVID 19

Sep 28, 2021

This qualitative study was done by the Centre for Media Studies (CMS) in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan; January 2021. The formative study was done to inform the RCCE for vaccination. To read more click here

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Assessment of levels of Covid-19 related stigma & discrimination

Sep 28, 2021

A study was done in partnership with Kantar Public to assess the effectiveness of the RCCE interventions and assess stigma and discrimination-related issues. Presentation of findings of Round 1  & Round 2; December-2020. To read more click here

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COVID-19 Appropriate Behaviors Surveillance Survey Delhi

Sep 28, 2021

‘Breaking the Cycle of Complacency’is a report of a COVID-19 Behavioural Surveillance Survey conducted by the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) to support the Government of Delhi. It presents findings from a survey on COVID appropriate behaviors in Delhi and outlines the emerging key behavioral issues. To read more click here

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