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Udaan: An intervention for Prevention of Child Marriage in Gujarat

Sep 10, 2021

Udaan is designed to find a community-led solution to the high prevalence of child marriage in Gujarat. The purpose is to initiate a community dialogue that helps reflect and initiate change that affects the prevailing social norms around child marriage. UNICEF, in partnership with the Gujarat State Child Protection Society under the Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Department of Education, Government of Gujarat, and Anarde Foundation (NGO partner), carried out a pilot in 120 administrative blocks of Banaskantha district, Gujarat. The intervention was initiated with a village mapping exercise to identify barriers. Education of adolescents was chosen as the introductory intervention to pave the way for more intensive dialogue around the prevention of child marriage. To Read More click here

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Check list for Gender Responsive Content Creation on COVID-19

Aug 23, 2021

1. In the entire material, are there an equal number of women and men depicted? 2. In the entire material whole document, are there an equal number of girls and boys depicted? 3. Are children, adolescents, adults, and senior citizens equally represented? If possible to include at least one transgender figure, please do. 4. Does the material have at least one or two pictures of children or adults with disabilities? 5. Do the people depicted look like the typical UN program participants? Skin color, clothes, reflective of national diversity?  For More Information click here

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C4D-Gender Results Report 2020

Aug 04, 2021

COVID-19 has dramatically affected the way families, communities, and society as a whole function and has challenged the government’s existing SBCC systems, structures and mechanisms to promote social and behavior change. Read complete story here

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COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement A compilation of good practices from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

Aug 03, 2021

During public health emergencies, people need to know what health risks they face, and what actions they can take to protect their health and lives. Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is about accurate information provided early, often, and in languages and channels that people understand, trust and use. It enables individuals and communities to make choices and take actions to protect themselves, their families, and communities from life-threatening health hazards. To know the complete story click here

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