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Supportive Supervision to Improve Demand for RMNCH+A Services in North Karnataka

Sep 10, 2021

Karnataka is a progressive state in India, but it shows the disparity in development within the state ﹘ northern Karnataka lags significantly in many development indicators compared to the south. According to the Human Development Report for Karnataka, the majority of the northern districts have low ranks in health indicators. The report shows that the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) are all higher than the state average, while the doctor-patient ratio is lower. To read more click here

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Behaviour Change Communication through mobile technology: Promoting IYCF practices among caregivers in Tamil Nadu

Sep 10, 2021

Tamil Nadu (TN), India’s southernmost state, ranks 5th in the Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) in the country. The IHDI indicators show that the state’s performance in economic, educational, and health areas puts it ahead on the Human Development Index. According to National Family Health Survey - 4, the percentage of children under the age of six months who are exclusively breastfed in TN is 48.3%, as compared to the national average of 54.9%. This is despite TN having the highest institutional delivery rate in India, at 99%. To read more click here.

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PYAR HI Breaking the Taboo and Culture of Silence in Bihar

Sep 10, 2021

For girls, menarche marks the onset of puberty. But poor menstrual practices can severely affect their education and health outcomes as they grow into women. UNICEF, with the Government of India and Integrated Development Foundation (IDF), initiated a social and behavioral change intervention called Promoting Young Adolescents Reproductive Health Initiative (PYARHI) from 2014 to 2016, in 14 blocks of Nalanda and Vaishali districts of the Indian state of Bihar. To read more click here

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Nudging Norms through Faith Based Organisations for the Promotion and Protection of Child Rights in Telangana

Sep 10, 2021

Child marriage, child labor, child trafficking, and violence against children are commonplace in the Khammam and Mahabubnagar districts of Telangana. To tackle these issues, UNICEF collaborated with the Centre for World Solidarity and Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs) to implement an initiative to secure child rights in the two districts, in January 2017. UNICEF developed a sustainable and systematic model of collaboration with FBOs ﹘ they were identified, mobilized, and given capacity building on Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC), child protection, child rights, and their violation. To read more click here

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