Knowledge Management

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COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Report 2020

Aug 03, 2021

During public health emergencies, people need to know what health risks they face, and what actions they can take to protect their health and lives. Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is about accurate information provided early, often and in languages and channels that people understand, trust and use. It enables individuals and communities to make choices and take actions to protect themselves, their families and communities from life-threatening health hazards. To read complete story click here

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Risk Communication and Community Engagement for COVID-19 Response

Aug 03, 2021

Pharmacists explain the importance of masks and other COVID-appropriate behaviors to their customers. A brochure on CAB and proper use of masks go with their compliments to the customers with the mantra, “No mask, no medicine!” Get the complete story here 

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